
February 25, 2022

Establishment of the Isuzu Group Human Rights Policy

Isuzu Motors Limited (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, President and Representative Director: Masanori Katayama, hereafter “Isuzu”) has established the Isuzu Group Human Rights Policy (hereafter “this policy”) after resolving thereupon at a meeting of its Board of Directors.

This policy conforms with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. While the fostering of a corporate culture for the respect of human rights and efforts across business activities in general are expected in international society, this policy reiterates Isuzu’s thinking regarding contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting business activities that respect human rights as one of its corporate social responsibilities.

In accordance with this policy, Isuzu will observe international norms, laws and regulations, group norms, etc., work on the establishment of a group human rights promotion system and human rights due diligence, and carry out appropriate education for executives and employees. In addition, based on the importance of the observance of human rights in business, Isuzu will engage in dialogue with stakeholders and make efforts to promote their understanding among business partners and suppliers.

Isuzu Group Human Rights Policy

Inquiries: Sustainability Promotion Department, Isuzu Motors Limited (Tel: +81-3-5471-1384)