
March 7, 2023

Isuzu Develops the Total Solution Program “Evision” Helping customers solve issues for commercial BEV introduction and achieve decarbonization

Isuzu Motors Limited (headquartered in Yokohama, Kanagawa; Masanori Katayama, President and Representative Director; hereinafter Isuzu), timed to the launching of Isuzu’s first mass production battery electric vehicle (BEV), “ELF (N-Series) EV,” has developed the total solution program “EVision*1” to support customers considering commercial BEV introduction, and has today begun service provision in Japan. The support provided in “Evision” includes finding solutions to EV introduction issues, quantifying the CO2 emission reduction benefits, and proposing further decarbonization means on the way to carbon neutrality.

Various issues may arise when customers seek to introduce commercial BEVs, relating to battery charging facilities, electricity prices, and quantifying the benefits for lowering environmental burden. Through “EVision,” Isuzu will address these issues by providing solutions at each phase, from initial studies of commercial BEV introduction to actual introduction and post-introduction.

  1. 1“EVision Concierge” for support at the initial study phase
    By visualizing operations in case of EV introduction by the customer and designing optimal operation patterns, we support studies on the way to introduction. Specifically, analysis is made of the routes on which switching to EVs is feasible; chargers, charging time, and time schedules; electricity rates, facility power demand and other factors, while also performing simulations of the CO2 emission reduction benefits, in such ways providing support that enables customers to introduce EVs with assurance.
  2. 2“EVision Solutions” for solving introduction issues
    At the actual introduction phase, we provide help with making operations more efficient and peripheral services. For this we have designed a charging solution offering total coordination of such details as arranging for charger installation and applying for subsidies, along with “EVision PREISM Contract.” The latter packages a first-in-the-industry lease contract that reflects estimates of EV battery deterioration during the lease period based on the customer’s operation plans. In addition to operation management and preventive maintenance similar to conventional services, remote charging management is realized using the vehicle control functionality of the “GATEX*2” commercial vehicle information platform, and peak shift of electricity consumption will be achieved by linking the energy management system of the customer’s facilities with “GATEX.*3” Depending on customer needs, we further offer support in such areas as solar panel introduction, renewable energy plans,*4 and non-fossil fuel energy certificates.*5
  3. 3“EVision Review” for quantifying the emission reduction benefits
    Providing feedback on the CO2 emission reduction benefits of EV and renewable energy introduction, we propose ways to further increase the benefits. We also support issuing to the government reports on greenhouse gas emission amounts as required under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures and the Revised Energy Saving Act*6 taking effect in April of this year, as well as reporting to freight owners of progress in meeting emission reduction targets.

By promoting the spread of EVs through “EVision,” Isuzu will continue with the challenge of minimizing environmental burden.

  1. ※1“Evision” combines the “EV” of electric vehicles with “Vision” in its many senses including sight, foresight, and future aspirations. It expresses the Isuzu stance and initiatives for making visible the issues and operations involved in EV introduction and providing solutions, thereby showing customers the way toward achieving carbon neutrality.
  2. ※2A platform providing information services to commercial vehicles, capable of data federation with mission critical systems of the logistics industry and with various other information platforms across industries.
  3. ※3To be offered later in 2023.
  4. ※4Plans proposing electric power from solar, wind, hydro and other renewable energy sources.
  5. ※5Certificates proving and visualizing that electricity was generated without using fossil fuels that are sources of CO2, such as oil, coal, and natural gas.
  6. ※6Officially known as the Act on the Rational Use of Energy.