Editorial Policy | 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø MOTORS LIMITED


  1. Sustainability TOP
  2. Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

This report is being published to set out the Isuzu Group's activities regarding ESG issues that are considered important by both stakeholders and the Isuzu Group.

Scope of Report

The report covers activities undertaken by the Isuzu Group in Japan and overseas, centered on 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø MOTORS LIMITED.

  1. *The term Isuzu and Isuzu Corporation in this text refer to 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø MOTORS LIMITED as an individual entity. On the other hand, Isuzu Group and consolidated refer to the Isuzu Group, including its subsidiary companies.

Period Covered

This report focuses on the Company's activities during FY2024 (from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024). However, it also includes information on activities conducted up until the time of publication, as well as future plans.

Publication Information

Published September 2024
Next report schedule: September 2025 (Previous publication: September 2023)

Referenced Guidelines

GRI Sustainability Reporting Standard
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards

  1. *Unified international guidelines formulated by the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), an international NPO, in an attempt to improve the quality, reliability, and comparability of the content of Sustainability reports.

Independent Assurance

To enhance the reliability of this report, environmental data has undergone independent assurance since FY2018, and social data has undergone assurance since FY2023.

Inquiries about the Report

Sustainability Dept.
Sustainability Planning Group
TEL +81-45-299-9126

Status of the Publication

Forward-looking Statements

This report contains not only information on the past and present but also future projections based on plans, forecasts, and management policies and strategies as of the date of publication. These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and judgments made in light of the information available to us at the time they were made. Please note that changes in various factors could cause actual results or events to differ materially from what is described in our projections. Any revisions or repetitions of the information provided in previous reports and material changes to this information are included in this report. We ask our readers to be cognizant of the above.