- Sustainability TOP
- Promotion of Sustainability
Promotion of Sustainability
Message from the Chairperson of the Sustainability Committee

Director of the Board, and Managing Executive Officer
In 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø Transformation―Growth to 2030, the medium-term business plan formulated in April 2024, Isuzu has set forth a detailed vision and path to be followed by 2030 in order to realize its corporate philosophy, the 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø ID. As a commercial mobility solutions company that aims to resolve issues faced by customers and society, such as achieving carbon neutral and logistics-focused digital transformation, we will strive to enhance our corporate value by creating both social and economic value. In 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø Transformation, we have set forth seven areas for realizing the 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø ID and linked them to the four elements of our mission—becoming No.1 in customer satisfaction, sustainability, social impact, and employee engagement. To achieve this mission, the Isuzu Group will actively address global environmental issues, including climate change, with respect for human rights as the foundation of everything we do.
In FY2024, the Sustainability Committee engaged in extensive discussions on the implementation of climate change measures and progress on human rights due diligence, and existing initiatives were enhanced and strengthened. In addition, since FY2024, the Isuzu Group Sustainability Liaison Conferences has been held for key subsidiaries in Japan and overseas to share information and collaborate with each other to promote efforts from a global perspective.
We will continue to promote sustainability-related initiatives in our pursuit of realizing the 91³ÉÈ˺£½ÇÉçÇø ID.
Sustainability Promotion System
Isuzu Group has established a Sustainability Committee chaired by a director, with permanent membership composed of executives responsible for each area, in order to promote sustainability throughout the Group.
The Sustainability Committee meets regularly (more than four times annually) to discuss and decide on matters related to sustainability, such as addressing climate change risks, human rights, and diversity. The matters discussed by the Sustainability Committee are reported to the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors as necessary, depending on their importance.
Under the umbrella of the Sustainability Committee, specialized environmental and social subcommittees, each chaired by a relevant standing Committee member, have been established to address specific issues.
Additionally, to establish a cross-group sustainability promotion structure, we hold the Isuzu Group Sustainability Liaison Conference, targeting consolidated subsidiaries.

Sustainability Committee Meetings in FY2024
Meetings held | 5 |
Main Agenda Items |
Material Issues
Isuzu Group has established eight material issues that it aims to resolve through its business activities. By addressing these issues, we will create both social and economic value.
Process for Setting Material Issues
STEP 1: Identify and organize issues
Isuzu Group drew up a list of issues based on the Isuzu Group's business characteristics, business challenges, and daily communication with stakeholders. International guidelines such as the GRI Standards, ISO 26000, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the SASB Standards were also considered in the process.
STEP 2: Prioritize issues and identify potential material issues
Taking into consideration the external environment, characteristics, strategies, and CSR activities of the Isuzu Group's businesses, we mapped out and prioritized issues from the perspectives of both Isuzu Group and society before identifying potential material issues.
STEP 3: Engage in dialogue with experts
To assess the validity of the potential material issues and gain insight into society's expectations for Isuzu, we held a dialogue with two experts and refined our list of potential material issues based on this dialogue. At the Management Meeting in 2018, we decided on nine material issues for Isuzu Group.
STEP 4: Revise list of chosen material issues
In 2021, after much deliberation by the Sustainability Committee and other internal bodies, we organized the issues into the two themes of 'value provided to society,' which takes an offensive stance, and 'cornerstones supporting value creation,' which takes a defensive stance, and decided at the Management Meeting to proceed with only eight material issues.
Material Issues | Approach to Resolving Issues | Relevant SDGs | |
Value provided to society | Realization of a society in which people and goods can be transported safely, securely, and efficiently |
Balance between global environmental sustainability and global economic growth |
Enrichment of livelihoods and stimulation of economies in emerging countries |
Maintenance of suitable living environments during times of disaster and emergency |
Cornerstones supporting value creation | Improvement of technologies and provision of reliable products and services |
Respect for and among employees and promotion of diversity |
Coexistence and co-prosperity with local communities and stakeholders |
Appropriate governance |